Welcome to Spiritual Saturdays. I’d like every person that listens to this and every person in the world,
The truth is that having anxiety and depression is not your fault, we are not taught the skills!
The Way Out for Life Method is all about giving you the wisdom, skills and community to move out, stay out and live a life that is freer and fuller than what you have probably ever experienced before.
Signup below and receive my free report - Learn 3 facts to lead you to FREEDOM.
The 5-stage Anxiety Depression Freedom Method
My unique coaching system is designed to help you beat Anxiety and Depression for life, no matter where you are on your path to healing and building the life you want. With more than 27,000 hours of individual client experience, I know that getting the symptoms to stop is just the beginning.
Let’s look at the “Way out for life”

Do you struggle to function effectively some or all of the time? Do even the simplest tasks seem insurmountable? Is the anxiety or darkness you experience overwhelming?

Stop the one-step-forward-three-steps-back cycle of struggle. Become stronger than life's events and waves, get out of the anxiety or depression cycle and stay out. Discover a deep sense that you are beating this.

Discover what takes you out and actually change it so empowerment, motivation, happiness and accomplishment becomes your new normal. Discover that you have what it takes and at this stage you are building the life you really want.

Living Freely
Connect deeply with your passion and purpose. Be the calm, wise one at the centre of the storm. Be deeply connected to life's events and have the choice over how you want to be affected.

Living Fully
Imagine living in a state of flow where life happens with you, not at or to you. Imagine a life where synchronicity and connection to your higher self draws in what you want to have or experience. This is a very possible reality where your spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical selves are all working together.
You hold the keys to your transformation.
Because healing and living is not just for the wealthy! How much is anxiety and depression costing you?
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Welcome to the Anxiety Depression Freedom Community
I’m Patrick, and my site provides a step-by-step process for healing anxiety and depression. My method will take you from feeling overwhelmed, anxious, down and hopeless to coping and then living the life you choose with a sense of freedom, choice and passion.
After more than 25 years working in this field, and my own journey in beating depression and anxiety I have created a system that works.
I know you can beat this and go way beyond!
It takes wisdom, skills and community.


My FREE Gift to You.
The Way Out for Life Method is all about giving you the wisdom, skills and community to move out, stay out and live a life that is freer and fuller than what you have probably ever experienced before.
Signup below and receive my free report - Learn 3 facts to lead you to FREEDOM.